Statewide Web Portal Awards


Inaugural Government Experience Award Winners Recognized for Enhancing Citizen Service, and Engagement. The awards recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that have gone to the web and beyond to radically improve the experience of government and push the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered.

State of California

Inaugural Government Experience Award Finalist for 2017


The state of California’s website supports a population of 38.8 million. Not surprisingly, Web traffic numbers are significant: Nearly 30 million visits per month (including 16 million unique visitors monthly) as well as 358,000 mobile visits every day. Given the size of its user base, you would expect a conservative approach to its portal. But the state gets high marks for its user interface, visual design and integration of statewide data sources. The site is also taking on innovative initiatives that are improving search capabilities and the user experience. The state launched an open data pilot, which has already put more than 400 data sets online, including APIs for applications and tools. As for online services, the state offers many, but a few standouts include: tax refund tracking; state job applications; a mobile-friendly health-care enrollment service; a one-stop site for professional license verification and consumer complaints; and, especially for California, a service for reporting water waste during the drought.

State of California

Best of the Web 2016 finalist

Best of Web Awards – 2012

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Carlos Ramos, Kevin Paddock, Theresa Rapozo, Stacey Walker, Anna Brannen, David Escobar, Paul Benedetto

Best of Web Awards – 2010

First Place Winner – State of California

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Stacey Walker, Adrian Farley, Governor Schwarzenegger, Bill Maile, David Goebel, Carolyn Lawson, Dane Wilson, Teri Takai, Jarrett Heather, Theresa Rapozo

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Greg Watanabe, Richard Lehman, (), Stacey Walker, (), Adrian Farley, Bill Maile, David Goebel, Carolyn Lawson, Governor Schwarzenegger, Dane Wilson, Felicia Armelin, Jarrett Heather, Teri Takai, Robert Meza

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Governor Schwarzenegger, Carolyn Lawson, Dane Wilson, Teri Takai

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Felicia Armelin, Stacey Walker

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Teri Takai, Adrian Farley

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Adrian Farley, Greg Brown, Carolyn Lawson, Dane Wilson, Mark Tyler, Robert Meza, Felicia Armelin, Stacey Walker

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Robert Meza, Carolyn Lawson, Dane Wilson, Teri Takai, Felicia Armelin, Adrian Farley, Stacey Walker, Savita Farooqui

Best of Web Awards – 2009


Cathilea Robinett, Stacey Walker, PK Agarwal, ()

Meeting with Chinese Delegation – 2009. Stacey Walker, Richard Lehman, Dane Wilson

Best of Web Awards – 2008


Selvi Stanislaus, Cathilea Robinette, Stacey Walker, Teri Takai, (), Johnathon Bertran-Harris, (), Dane Wilson, PK Agarwal, ()

Best of California Awards – 2007


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Pat Kelley, Xenia Guido-Spafford, Greg Watanabe, Dane Wilson, Anamarie Malone, Kevin Paddock, Carolyn Lawson, David Rial, Stacey Walker


PK Agarwal, Rosario Marin, Carolyn Lawson, George Valverde, Clark Kelso


PK Agarwal, Rosario Marin, Dane Wilson, George Valverde, Clark Kelso


PK Agarwal, Rosario Marin, Kevin Paddock, George Valverde, Clark Kelso