State Web Template
The California state web template is designed to promote a responsive and standard look and feel to ensure a uniform user experience across state entities. The web template includes many usability, security and accessibility requirements and is updated regularly to meet evolving industry standards and best practices.
Latest CA State Web Template
Explore and leverage the latest published version of the state web template for your web projects and initiatives.

California Design System
Legacy CA State Web Template
This is the previous iteration of the state web template and is now considered a legacy version with limited support.
The state web template is an open source project which you can find on the CA Office of Digital Innovation GitHub repository. There are various technology versions of the web template available for consumption. Collaboration is highly encouraged and user feedback and contributions are always considered and often implemented. We encourage you to utilize GitHub to provide feedback and collaborate on the development of the next California state template!
Join us in building the statewide web resource you expect and deserve.
We encourage your feedback and suggestions!