Hi Team,
As you know, there was a significant effort to launch information related to compliance with AB 434. We previously sent to you the Technology Letter (TL), TL 18-05 Website Accessibility Certification Policy which requires each Agency/state entity to certify that their internet website is in compliance with specified accessibility standard, located at https://cdt.ca.gov/policy/technology-letters/
Now, we would like to announce that an introductory training course for website accessibility is being offered at our training center and can be found on the Training & Education Center Course Schedule . It is a one day class which will be offered on the following dates; August 28th, August 29th and August 30th. We encourage you to sign up for this training and to share it with others in your organization who may benefit from this training.
TL 18-05 also includes a link to the Department of Rehabilitation’s (DOR) AB 434 Website Accessibility Toolkit at https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/WebAccessibilityToolkit.
We hope you’ll find the Toolkit and training helpful as you prepare your website for accessibility certification. We look forward to more discussion at our next meeting on October 18th.
If you have questions about the toolkit or the training, you may contact AB434toolkit@dor.ca.gov