
Digital Web Services Network

The Web Users Group is a growing community and in order to keep up with the changing world, this space has evolved into the Digital Web Services Network. Government websites are now the first stop to delivering digital services and the role of creating digital government extends to the community beyond webmasters.  

The community formerly known as the Webmaster User Group (WUG) consisted of more than 500 webmasters, designers, content creators, and managers. Members included large and small State departments, including a few members from local cities and counties. Members met to share real-world experiences on how to implement best practices, avoid common pitfalls, and share new ideas.

The WUG began as an initiative spearheaded by the California Department of Technology (CDT) in August 2006, and quickly grew to include partnerships with agencies and local governments across the state.  In the Spring of 2018, the Government Operations Agency (GovOps) sponsored efforts to evolve and grow the community beyond webmasters, designers, content creators, and managers, thereby creating the new Digital Web Services Network.  This new Network includes existing WUG members in addition to information officers and other parties.

You can finds the latest events and become part of the DWSN community by visiting the DWSN home page.